Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Decent day

So yeah, I guess I decided to let people know I'm making a blog (and by people I mean P5's,) because hey, why not share my life with 8 million of my favorite strangers? I'll talk about a lot of random shit I'm sure, but it's also a good way to keep track of what I do poker-wise on a consistant basis. FWIW we did work out a whole staking arrangement for SNGs, so we'll see what I can do with that. I'm tired as hell right now, and didn't even go out tonight. I didn't think I was going to start playing til tomorrow but I got bored tonight so I just played a few tables to see how the evening/night games compared to the day games, which are super soft. I'll only be playing the $27 turbos, btw.

The very first game I played who got seated to my right? LadyMaverick herself, Vanessa "I'm SOOO fucking horrible at poker it's funny," Russo. Long story short, we got heads up, I had her covered huge at the start, I got it in good pre, she hit runner runner for a flush to nearly cripple me. I got back up like 7k to 5k effective, she open-shoved, I call with 55, she flops a J, I river a flush and just say "Hosed rly?" and her rail went nuts. Fucking homos. Anyway, stats from the few games today:


Games played: 7
Total buy-ins: 189
Total cashes: 360
Total profit: 171

As I update this more, I'll pull a jhub thing ( and start doing daily as well as weekly and monthly stats.

Turned all my excess cash into LAPT steps so I've got a 5, 2 4's and 2 3's so hopefully I'm blogging from Costa Rica in 2 weeks.


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