Saturday, May 10, 2008

New record?

So this is the 2nd night this week I haven't gone out at all or had even a beer. This is honestly a personal best for the last 5-ish years of my life. At least as long as I have been at college. That's pretty sad, but who would have ever thought poker would be a healthy life choice?

One of the reasons I didn't go out was that it's Palmerfest tomorrow. Most of you probably don't know what that is, but there's a street at my school (Palmer, obv.) that basically gets blocked off and every house on the street has insane amounts of kegs. See below picture for our house's stash last year. There's probably about 40-ish houses and apartments on the street and it's an all-out riot. This year I think Playboy and Four alcohol/energy drink are sponsoring my friend's house, which I'll be at promptly at 9 am to begin the day-long black out.

Not too much going on poker-wise. All my LAPTs are step 5 tickets now, and it sucks because the games haven't been running much. I was tempted to play in one of the most -ev games I saw just because it's getting close, but the table had Ch0ppy, Jorj, DSavo, Azntracker and P0ker H0 (even though cmoney told me I should take every opportunity to play with him,) so I passed that one up. I did play one earlier however, we got down to 3 handed, me, H0 and some no-name. H0 barely had me covered and was playing like the complete nit he is, so I shoved J5ss from the SB on him and he insta called with 56o. Ship step 6, right? Once again, wrong. Flushed on the river, gg me. So I basically sat reg'ed for another step 5 all day and another game didn't run at all. This is really getting aggrivating because I don't want to have to relegate to playing against good people. If I don't win a seat I'll be SUPER pissed, because I know I'm better than 95% of the people playing those steps. I've also decided to stop going out as often and only play nights, because the games at night are even easier than the day games. That, or the day games hated me today, as I took some horrendous beats. Anyway, here's some stats from the last few days:


Games Played - 27
Total Buy-Ins - 729
Total Cashes - 787.50
Total Profit - 58.50


Games Played - 12
Total Buy-Ins - 324
Total Cashes - 270
Total Profit - -54

Hopefully only playing nights will start to improve these stats. If I can achieve numbers I'm 98% sure I can playing at night, and start cranking out more tables (I'm just starting to get a feel for all the regs,) I should be able to pull off just under $1k a week profit, which I wouldn't mind at all.

Seeing as how I'll be up drinking in 4 1/2 hours, I bid you all farewell.

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